Poop and detoxing --- part of an overall healthy lifestyle

                I wanted to start off by letting you know that I’m feeling great physically, mentally I have some setbacks. My mother is in the hospital at the moment it seems that the cancer has spread and the reason for the unbearable pain she had been feeling lately. So my mind has not been in the right place, and my emotional eating is getting the best of me.  I am not ready to throw in the towel, so to help with the eating I decided to have fresh juice or detox tea to help me stay full and trying to sneak in sugary snacks.
               Fresh juice or green smoothies are great for cleaning out ones digestive system and so is the recipe I’m going to give you for the detox tea. As a mom I do stool checks every once in a while. I know gross right! However, stool can tell you a lot about your digestive health and I want to make sure my kids are healthy. If I do see anything unusual I can talk to the doctor about it, without having my kids suffer the embarrassment of giving the doctor a sample. Healthy poop can range in color, is large in girth and sinks to the bottom. Blood in the stool will make the stool look black. Too much dairy will make it look white and too much fat in the diet will make stool float. Also as we get older and our diets worse, example not enough veggies with fiber too much meat and refined carbs our stool will become more narrow in girth and smaller, if this is happening you may not be eliminating everything and have some build up. This build up starts a domino effect: constipation, chronic bloating and gas, fatigue and skin problems like acne. Once you start a detox program you can find them everywhere, you will see changes in your bowels, energy and your skin. You will also eliminate pounds of waste buildup. Some side effects of cleansing can be headaches, nausea and fatigue but these symptoms usually subside after the first couple of days if you do a juicing program. Since I am trying to visit my mom each day she is the hospital I don’t want to go feeling nausea or with headaches so I am going to put it off for now, but I am going to drink my detox tea it is a more mild form of detoxification. This tea will help cleanse the kidneys and liver and help move things along if you are constipated. Well I hope you all have a great rest of the week and I will check in with you on weigh in day not only with results but also a crochet project. Bye for now. J

Cranberry detox tea
2 tea bags of Yogi® DeTox tea
2 ½ cups purified water
½ cup aloe Vera juice
1 cup no sugar added cranberry juice or if you are feeling ambitious you can juice your own cranberries.
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Boil the water and remove from heat. Add the two tea bags and steep for 15 minutes. Remove the tea bags and add in the rest of the ingredients and stir. Serve over ice and drink throughout the day along with plenty of water. Enjoy.


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