Crafting and Weight gain...ugh!!!

        Like most women I like to think that I can do it all, take care of the kids, keep the house sparkling have dinner ready before the hubby gets home and all my crafts done during my daughters quiet time. That never happens, instead my totally scheduled day is disrupted constantly by other peoples (family) needs. So, my day consists of waking up making breakfast, and lunches, and a pot of coffee. Wake hubby up first, Alyssa next, so that she can get ready for school. While they get ready i pack hubby's lunch and serve us both a cup of coffee, and prepare our canary seed milk. After they leave around 7am I wake up Brianna, while she gets ready I have breakfast and put on my workout clothes. When she leaves at 8 I'm ready to workout.
       What happens when I pop in the tape, my phone will ring the driver ( we own a big rig) will call i have to meet him, so he can get paid. Therefore I get my 4yo up and get her ready and off to the bank I go to get the driver's pay and deposit the load pay out. This takes about an hour sometimes longer depending on the lines at the bank. Fast forward after the driver has kept me talking for an hour, get home Sammy is hungry so i make her something to eat, ready to workout. Phone rings it's hubby on break talk to him a few minutes. Notice the time its late the house is still wrecked. House cleaned and another couple of hours have past; I'm hungry now so I have something to eat. I sit down to watch t.v. while my stomach settles and I start to crochet. Next thing you know the kids are starting to arrive, and I have to make dinner and switch the load from the washer to the dryer. Dinner is made kids and hubby fed, now time to do dishes. I settle down to watch t.v. with the hubby because by now I'm tired and have lost my motivation to workout. In all of this I have already showered and changed out of my workout clothes anyways. 9 o'clock rolls around everyone is getting ready for bed except for Sammy and I. We don't go to bed until 11 or so. Well after staying up late we finally go to bed and start over again at 6am.

      That is a typical day sometimes I have extra errands to run. Having this type of hectic life leaves very little room for good sleep, healthier eating and adequate exercise. Having said all this I have gained approximately 20lbs since I quit my job, and I was already heavy to begin with, I'm done I want my body back , my energy and my self confidence. AS of tomorrow I will begin juicing and Start it Up from the Slim in 6 program from beach body.  Even if I don't lose all the weight right away I will be happy with just feeling better, no more body aches. Wish me luck !!

I am 36 years old
5'3" and my current weight is 192, holy crap!!
chest 46in.
stomach 46in.
waist 42in.
hips 45in.
arms 11.5in.
thighs 27.5in. 
 neck 15in.


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