Leche de Alpiste (canary seed milk)

            It sounds odd and probably unappealing, but it is actually great tasting. You can make your own or buy it already prepared powdered to which you just add to water. Its cheaper like most things to make it yourself and you know what is going into it, bonus. This "milk" contains protein, fiber and antioxidants and amino acids. All of these things are great for your body especially when working out. Alpiste offers as much as 10g of protein per serving , which is about 1/2 cup. Another benefit is this enzymatic drink helps control cholesterol and lower high blood pressure. The amazing milk can also detoxify your organs such as your liver and kidneys. The lipase enzyme also helps in controlling body weight, the enzyme helps the body eleminate  fats out of the body more effeciantly . This drink is an overall general health supplement. You can buy the seed in some supermarkets, that cater to the Hispanic population. You can also buy the seed or powder in health stores that sell Mexican health products. I found the hulled seed at Pro Ranch Market here in El Paso, TX. If you decide to make it yourself you can also find the canary seed online. The seed has to be hulled and SAFE FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION  !!! DO NOT buy it from the pet supply aisle!!!

Here is the recipe to make your own- you will need the following:

1c. canary seed or Alpiste as it is labeled in the store I bought it.
4c. water to mix
1c. water for soaking
mexican vanilla
fine mesh strainer
large spoon
pitcher or mason jar for storage.

 soak the seed for at least 8 hours, overnight is best. 1c. water and 1c. of seed.
                                                   this is what hulled seed looks like.

After it has been soaked you will want to strain it and put it into your blender, magic bullet or nutribullet with the largest cup and the milling blade, this worked the best .

       Now you will add the strained seed into the large cup and add water from your 4cups of water. The rest of the water put it into the pitcher.

Now your ready to crack open and pulverize that seed and get all the good stuff out of it.

Stop when it looks like your seeds are gone and you have added milk and cinnamon to your water. lol :)

Now you are ready to strain the milk and separate it from the seed pulp. You can use a fork to move it around and smash it to get all the liquid out. When you are done all that will be left will look like sand.

 So now your going to add the liquid to the water you have in the pitcher. Rinse out your measuring cup and strainer. Get ready to strain it back into the measuring cup to further remove some grit. Now repeat rinse the pitcher and strainer and strain back into the pitcher. Now you ready to add flavoring. Add 2 tbsp. vanilla, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and stevia to taste. Do not add sugar or honey it destroys the enzyme.

This is your end product. You can drink it warm or cold taste good either way. Hope this helps you also on your health journey as it is helping me. Thanks for stopping by.



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