Day 1, Ready to Go!!!

       Okay so here I go first thing I did was get everyone off to school and work. Next I actually had breakfast, I normally don't eat first thing in the morning its usually closer to 11am before I have a bite to eat. This morning I had breakfast by 7:15. For breakfast I had a light pre-workout meal, 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with sunflower seed butter and a smear of sugar-free peach preserves, and of course my cup of coffee. Oh also before I had breakfast I had my serving 1/2cup of canary seed milk. Later I will post about its benefits and how to prepare it. My next step is to get my equipment together and hydrate before I start my workout. If your going to start a workout program make sure you see your doctor and get a full physical, head to toe and blood-work done. I did this last week got my results on Friday, I'm very healthy except for the fact that my BMI says I am OBESE!!! The doctor has actually prescribed diet pills to help me with my over eating. I am an emotional eater /stress eater, my mother has cancer, I have a teenager and preteen with crazy hormonal moods, so my stress level is high. However because I'm healthy my insurance will not cover the cost of the medication and I am not going to pay $250 out of pocket, heck no!!! So hard work and discipline is a must, as well as meditation to help with stress. If I can control my stress then I should be able to control my mindless junk food binges.

    I have some errands to run but I am making ME first priority. This is something most stay home parents do not do often. If you would like a calendar to follow for your workouts here is one that I am using. Someone else did a great job putting one together, this makes it easier and less work for me slim in 6 excel calendar.  Okay enough blabbing or writing and time for action. Because ACTIONS speak LOUDER THAN WORDS!!! Hope you all have a great day and I will check back in later. To health and happiness.



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