
I know it has been a month since my last post. First I must say that I FORGOT to take a picture of the China doll we made for my daughters project. Second with the holidays and the kids home from school it was hard to get anything done. I spent so much time at the doctors office over the winter break the doctor should have had a reserved parking for me, lol. Well everyone is healthy again and back in school. My first project of the year was a calendar of my children and grandchildren which took me one afternoon and the following morning to do. I used Simply Charmed cartridge for the embellishments and print creations software which came with my Kodak printer. Well today I have butterflies, since I will be taking my fitness test for police trainee, if I pass I will get to to to the academy which will start in June. If not I will have one more opportunity mid January. Wish me luck. Having trouble uploading the pictures I took of my calendar but I will get them up soon.
Bye for now,



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